Sharepoint Services

Sharepoint Services

Our skilled SharePoint professionals can assist you with a variety of solutions based on the SharePoint platform. We build and configure intranets, public websites, extranets, and custom applications using SharePoint.

Our SharePoint developers provide consultation, development, migration, customization and support for installations for a broad range of clients across an array of industries. Our goal is to ensure that we save your company valuable man hours and facilitate smooth communication amongst staff and management.

Idyllic Tech SharePoint Developers can help you to improve enterprise content management, document management, branding, search configuration and optimization, data presentation, workflow integration. Also, reporting and integration with 3rd party applications and also help to customize more with SharePoint server and client object model, database, web services and web parts. Our SharePoint development includes every part of project lifecycle right from planning, business process analysis and requirement study, architecture design, Implementation and deployment.

We also carry out web development using ASP.Net, HTML, AJAX, XML, JQuery, LINQ, CSS, and JavaScript; .NET based language (C#, VB.Net); SQL 2005\2008\2012 and SQL Reporting Services; Visual Studio 2008\2010\2013; Security standards and techniques for web applications;