Offshore Software Development Outsourcing

Offshore Software Development Outsourcing

Idyllic Tech offer Dedicated Offshore Development Center services to customers who are willing to set-up their own, dedicated offshore facility as an extension to their own capability and infrastructure with their own control.


  • Feasible option for both start-ups and established companies wish to expand and grow their software development and testing operations.
  • Offshore Development Center will be capable of managing one or several software development, maintenance or testing projects, simultaneously.
  • ODC resources can comprise of one or more independent teams with diverse skills, experience and technology expertise.
  • If customer wants us to have a quick-setup, ODC can be started at Idyllic Tech owned facilities in India and then gradually moved to a dedicated facility custom-setup to specifications and only when customer decides to invest further. Though customer operations are setup in a shared building, customer projects will have isolated network and development environments.
  • Serves as an extension to your existing development and testing infrastructure and capability; can be integrated to share resources.
  • While the customer can focus on business specifics and overall delivery management, Idyllic Tech can take care of the administration like managing the facility, sourcing and resourcing, attrition, statutory approvals and permissions, quality management etc.
  • We are Flexible to scale (up or down) depending up on customer’s business and growth trends.
  • ODC facility will be 100% dedicated and operated for a specific customer and appoint account manager for each individual client.


  • ODC facility & environment, staff & resources, development infrastructure will all be designated for use by and for customer’s projects.
  • Flexible: Quickly setup, scale-up and scale-down.
  • Reduced overall cost compared to onshore staffing and offshore dedicated development teams.